20+ String Art Gift Ideas that You Must Check Out!

20+ string Art ideas that you will simply love so much that you would want to keep it for yourself! They are cute, colourful, and has a personal touch to everypiece. These handcrafted string art work are more than just a gift option, they are a piece of your emotion, a piece of your memories. You will cherish them for life. 

Here are a few string art gifts that you will love!!!

1. The Hug of Love

The Hug Of Love Illustration Couple String Art With Light

What better than the hug of love for the one who offers you a shoulder to cry on whenever you need and is offering it to you for the rest of your life? A string art work with a hug of love illustration, with lights in the heart, that stands for the brightness you see in your relationship with them.

2. I Love You Mom

I Love You Mom String Art

For the one who is always with you, no matter what. The one who care about and takes care of you even when you are apart. For the infinity love she showers on you, gift her this string art work as a message of your love for her. 

3. Our Family

Illustration Family Special String Art - Stylish Wall Decor

Remind them of your bond you all share. Remind them that you all have always got each other’s back. Remind them that when you are together, you can conquer anything. Remind them that you are together forever.

4. Tom Jerry

Tom And Jerry Heyaa String ArtTom and Jerry has been on the favourite cartoon list of probably every kid! The bond tom and jerry share is unbreakable. They fight, but they always got each other’s back whenever someone from outside tries to harm any of them. Gift this to your kids to remind them of this bond of tom and jerry to make them understand that it’s okey to fight, but always stand by each other.

5. Happy Birthday!

Birthday String Art Name Board

It is a saying that, greeting someone by their name is the most person greeting. Then why not a gift that wishes them with their name? A colourful string art wall decor for their birthday will make them think of you whenever they see them.

6. Mountains & Waves

Mountains And Waves String Art - Wall Decor Art

Some of us prefer the mountains, while others prefer the beaches. But there are only a few who loves travel for all of it. Who loves travel whole heartedly. For the one of that n your group, who loves traveling and loves both, ‘mountains ki waadiyan bhi, aur samundar ke leherein bhi’! 

7. Tweety

Cute Tweety Bird String Art Gift - Wall Decor Idea

Tweety is hands down one of the most innocent cartoon character ever. For the innocent one in your group, this string art work will be the perfect gift, as to show the strings attached to the innocence in them.

8. Best Friend

Best Friends Illustration String Art

Your best friend is like your sister, your partner in crime, your supporter, and your biggest critic. She deserves to get a gift that secures the knots of your bond. She deserves the string art work that showcases your bond. 

9. The Tech Panda

Tech Panda String Art

For the tech genius of your group, who is extremely lazy to even get out of the couch. We all have that one person in our group that only sit in his chair or couch and keeps his ‘kaam se kaam’ as he is always lazy to interfere in any other matter. Trust me, a panda will best represent them. 

10. Bike Lovers

Motor Bike String Art

True bike lovers will love this gift. I think we all will agree here that they will simply love everything that is related to their dream bike. Clothes from their favourite company of the bike, the bike itself, even the picture of hier dream bike. Trust me, they will love a string art work of their favourite bike. 

11. Milk & Mocha

Milk & Mocha Teddy String Art

Milk and mocha are truely the cutest couple out there. They started as stickers and are now available in many forms, especially whatsapp GIFs. And hands down they can make the conversation simply cuter. Gift your partner this string art work that reminds them how much you love them, and want your bond to grow just like milk and mocha’s.

12. Personalised Illustartions

Personalised Vibrant Personality In Illustrations String Art

Everyone loves personalised gifts. It is always charming when you put a little thought into a present. A personalised illustration of your beloved friend will be loved by her/him. And the added details of her life around it will be an added charm to the gift.

13. Personalised Illustrations with Pictures

Personalised Girl Illustrations String Art With Photo Clips

Again, a Personalised illustration in string art work that can also hold your memories captured in pictures. This string art wall decor can remind them of you everytime they will look at it.

14. Yoga

Yoga Lady String Art - Home Décor Wall Art

For the one who loves to meditate and do yoga. The one who has no problem in waking at 5 in morning, do yoga, meditate and work the whole day and still be fresh. This is the perfect personalised gift for every yoga lover.

15. The Swing

Swing With Friends - Birthday String Art

This is probably the dream of every big city BFFs to sit in the same swing with their hair flowing in the air, and they be talking for hours looking at the sunset. Is it something you would like to do too? Then this will the perfect string art gift for your bff!

16. Pilot

Young Pilot Kids String Art

For the young pilot in your kid, this will be the gift to encourage their dream. This string art work will be the gift for kids to show them that you support them with their dream to become a pilot, or even anything that they want to become in their life. 

17. Sun Kissed

Lighting Sun Name String Art Board With Photo Clips

A sun that lights! In a string art work! That also has your name in it! That also has clips to hold the pictures of your favourite memories! What else you want in a creative gift! 

18. Space Baby

Space Baby Kids String Art With Photo Clips

A gift for kids that they will cherish when they will grow up. A string art work made on their footprints! A illustration that portrays space, including moon, and stars, and your baby’s pictures in it! This can be the perfect gift for when your baby first comes in your house from the hospital. 

19. Pride

Pride String Art - Love Is Love

What better than a pride coloured fist gesture for queer friend for the pride month or even for any day! A fist gesture to portray the strength and your support. And colours that simply represents pride. 

20. For Maa

Super Mom String Art

Only a Mother can do everything for you. Literally. She cooks, she cleans, she follows her own heart, she does her job, she runs the household, and she does every of these things simultaneously! She deserves a string art gift that will remind her that you always appreciate her. 

21. Mr. Doctor

Illustration String Art Gift For Doctor Friend

For the to be doctor or the one that has become the doctor just recently. This strings art gift to tell them how proud you are of them! How much you appreciate them! It is always proud to see your name with the designation. 

To Wrap It Up,

String art works and wall decors are one of the best things to gift any one on any occasion as it will always carry a story with it. Get the pictures of your favourite memories ready and simply customise them in your favourite theme for the string art. Get them something that they can cherish for the longest time!

Read Now: 12 String Art Anniversary Gifts Ideas That Your Partner Will Love!